I’ve been to various comic & collector “Cons” over the years so thought I knew what to expect when we booked our tickets for this year’s Hyper Japan (http://www.hyperjapan.co.uk/) -“The U.K’s biggest Japanese culture event” held at Earls Court on the last weekend of February; but within minutes of exiting the tube station it was clear that this was not going to be like any other convention I’d been to.
Quicker than you can say “Geek-Heaven”, I was identifying the different video games & anime characters to my friends as they headed towards the entrance. Cloud Strife alongside Pikachu, with Altair & a Red Mage from Final Fantasy making up one of the strangest queues I’ve been part of. Sure I’d seen Cos-players before & I’m no stranger to spending a bit too long on a Halloween costume but the time & detail these people put into these costumes is awesome! But more on that later.
Cos-play: Its a cut throat business
As we headed through the ridiculously long entrance tunnel my mind reeled at what could possibly be waiting to great us when we reached the main hall. Was it going to be the assault on the senses I was hoping for? Or was it going to be like the Ideal Home show with cool outfits (and noodles)?
As we came out onto the show floor proper my fears gave way to childish glee as everything I could see needed to be gawped at & photographed, preferably with me stood in front of it grinning like a simpleton.
See: Exhibit A
Exhibit A: This place certainly touched
my awesome button!
After I managed to calm down long enough to form coherent sentences we set off to have a good look around. We all fought the urge to empty our wallets on the first few stands we came to & found that there was plenty to see, do, eat & drink. Those last two where top of everyone’s list so we set off towards the food court to see what smelt so damn good.
Turns out it was everything.
There were no music festival style food stands here, selling burgers, chips and the like, but instead something that did almost resemble the Ideal Home Show. Large stalls with fresh food being prepared and cooked right in front of you. One stall had a woman skilfully slicing wafer thin strips of Salmon whilst another covered them with rice before rolling them into the freshest Sushi I’ve ever seen (or tasted) while at another stand directly opposite there was a man cutting & cooking a MASSIVE block of Noodles!
Mmmmmm.... Noodelicious....